Month: May 2018

Eat More. Burn More.

Re-feed Days A re-feed day is only needed to be included in your diet if you are looking to lose body fat and in a caloric deficit which means consuming less calories than your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). In other words, less calories than what your body needs/burns on a daily basis which is

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The Secret to Success!

Continual Progression One of my biggest irritations is the gym member who comes in several times a week for more than an hour at a time, does the same exact workout with the same exact weight, sets, repetitions and lacklustre effort. And of course their body never changes in appearance nor composition. They don’t see

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Brain Gains.

Exercise your brain! Does exercise help brain functionality? A well-known grey area within the fitness-sphere, is whether there is a distinct connection between exercise/physical activity and the functionality, development and health of our brains. Let’s bust some myths!  It goes without saying, there has been a plethora of research conducted in this area, with outstanding

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The Age Old Question!

HIIT VS LISS The age old question; which type of cardio is best for fat loss and preserving muscle tissue? As it would seem, every so often, new research comes to light to support differing sides, which leaves us just as confused as we were to begin with. The first school of thought is to

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