How long have you been a member at C-Life?
I started my C-Life journey in 2019 and my friend and fitness Idol Diana Kanaan introduced me to C-Life.
Why do you enjoy attending C-Life?
The Gym Floor is always neat and tidy, and we have the option of some great machines to use. My kids use the creche and I have made many new friends amongst the C-Life members. Arthur the manager and his staff have been very supportive from my first day and they have assisted in my journey to a better healthier me.
What’s your favourite type of exercise?
I enjoy using the Jacobs ladder as it makes me push myself and use muscles I normally would not use. It is a full body, high intensity workout.
Outside of the gym, how do you like to spend your time?
I enjoy spending time with my beautiful children Angel and Christian. We enjoy outdoor activities especially during the warmer months and we love watching Netflix movies together as a family.
What are your fitness goals and what are you looking to achieve?
My initial goal was weight loss. I have now achieved this, so my focus now is to tone and improve my overall strength.
You have been training with C-Life personal trainer Noor for a period. Can you describe how Noor has improved your Health?
I have lost a substantial amount of weight in the last 4 years after starting my training with Noor. Noor has helped with correct technique on the different machines, and he has planned all my sessions and pushed me and supported me the entire way to achieve my weight loss goals. I now feel more energised after loosing the weight and my husband Dori has also been a wonderful support encouraging me to continue working hard with Noor when I was my heaviest.
What is your favourite cheat meal?
Pineapple donuts and vegetarian pizza.