Mel is an ANB National Pro Fitness Model. On October 6 this year Mel became the winner of the ANB Australia Pro Show and now qualifies for the DFAC World Finals in Miami. This is a huge achievement through hard work, dedication and months of sacrifice.
1. What have you enjoyed most about the ANB Nationals this year?
Competing in the first Pro Show held in Sydney was a huge buzz! I enjoyed the atmosphere and excitement surrounding the show itself. The thrill of stepping on stage was the culmination of all the hard work, training and dedication I had put in. It was an honour to compete with other quality athletes who were also State champion Pro Fitness models. Winning was a bonus!
2. What have you learned most about this year’s competition?
I’ve learned a lot more about myself. When you decide on your goal and what you want to achieve it’s so important to create a strong mindset to keep focused on the steps you need to take to get you there. I found myself to be even more dedicated and disciplined this time round.
It helps to have a strong supportive network of people and professionals around you. Having a good training buddy even just to pass the time in cardio sessions made it much easier. In social settings, my fiancé, family, and friends would always encourage me and help me stay on track with my eating plan.
3. In what ways have your sponsors helped you become the champion?
My sponsors have been a great part of my support network. Muscle Bros’ activewear has supplied me with comfortable and quality training threads. CryoJoint in Caringbah has given me access to their full-body Cryotherapy chamber which has been very helpful in speeding up my muscle recovery and reducing inflammation around my joints. iPhysio at C-Life has been imperative in preventing injury by loosening uptightness around my joints (thanks Sid).
4. What things do you think you can improve on in the future?
I’m happy with how I structured my schedule for training, food planning, posing practice and recovery sessions this season. In the future, I could improve by including more single leg work to balance out my muscle development in my legs and hamstrings, which will also help to avoid injury later down the track.
5. What experience will you carry from the ANB Nationals to the DFAC World Finals in Miami this year?
I believe being prepared and organised is key leading into the competition. Timing of food on competition day is imperative to bringing out peak condition and fullness in my muscles as well as allowing enough time to warm up my posing pre-stage. Putting all these aspects into action will assist me to be confident going into DFAC World Finals in Miami.