Doing little or no physical activity is associated with a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer. Physical inactivity is responsible for 12% of colon cancers and 3.2% of breast cancers, increases your risk of bowel cancer and breast cancer, and possibly prostate, uterine and lung cancer. Being overweight or obese also increases cancer risk.
The good news is you can lower your cancer risk by being physically active!
Benefits of physical activity include improving cardiovascular fitness, maintaining bone mineral density, reducing stress, regulating hormones such as insulin-like growth factor and oestrogen. Additionally, it affects the speed that food passes through the bowel, reducing contact with any potential carcinogens, which can decrease the risk of developing cancer.
Being more active is one of the best things you can do for yourself – Follow the advice of the Cancer Council to win the fight against cancer.
For good health, put together at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. It doesn’t have to be continuous; three 10 minutes sessions are also good. Each activity session should be at least 10 minutes.
To reduce your cancer risk, the more physically active you are the better. As your fitness improves, aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate activity or 30 minutes of vigorous activity every day.
Moderate physical activity includes any activity in which you can still hold a conversation, such as brisk walking.
Vigorous physical activity includes any activity that makes you ‘huff and puff’, such as fast swimming, cycling or jogging.
Getting started: If you have not been physically active for some time, it is best to start slowly. Going too hard too early can cause pain and injury.
Tips for getting started
- Get friends to join you. They will give you company and motivation.
- Think of movement as an opportunity and plan ahead.
- Set goals and challenge yourself to build up your physical activity levels.
- If you are being active outdoors, remember to be SunSmart.
- Drink water before, during and after your activity.
Tips for home
- Turn off the TV or computer and use this time to be active.
- Walk or cycle to the local shops.
- Do gardening or housework.
- Be active as a family.
- Walk your children to school.
Tips for work
- Catch public transport to work, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
- Park your car 10 to 15 minutes from work and walk the rest of the way.
- Walk with colleagues at lunchtime.
- Take the stairs, not the lift.
Being active, like healthy eating, requires some thought and planning each day. It also needs to be kept up over a lifetime. Regular physical activity will give you extra energy, make you feel better, and reduce your chance of developing cancer.
C-Life provides an exercise assessment and program for all our full gym memberships. Come and see our qualified staff to get you started or help you reach your health and fitness goals. Remember, if you have any concerns or questions, please contact your doctor.