Member of the Month : Gordon Stephenson
This August we’re celebrating our 20th birthday and we’re putting a spotlight on Gordon Stephenson as our member of the month! Gordon is a 76-year-old retiree and has been a member at C-life for over 10 years. For someone who’s about to turn 77, Gordon looks young and healthy and when asked about his secret he said, “Listen to your wife and go to the gym”.
What motivates you to be fit?
One is a long time dead – I want to be around for a ‘very’ long time still.
How do you stay consistent in the gym?
I enlist the help of a personal trainer to help keep me motivated and consistent – I do PT sessions twice a week with Steve as well as seeing a physiotherapist and getting a massage with Tina.
How often do you train?
I aim for 3-4 times a week but minimum of twice a week.
Tell us about your workout routine.
I do cardio first before doing any weights! Treadmill, bike, ski pulls!
Why did you choose C-life over other gyms?
I wanted a gym that is close to where I live, and I have been a long-standing member of the leagues club.
What’s your fitness goals?
I want to stay fit and healthy as possible and improve my endurance and times on various machines.
Do you prefer training solo or with a partner/group?
I prefer training solo, but I do participate in group classes such as the spin class with Steve.
What advice can you give to people who are just starting their fitness journey?
I’d say first consult with a qualified personal trainer and discuss your goals. Start slow and always remember that “Rome was not built in a day”.
What’s your favourite post-workout meal?
A whey mint flavoured shake, then a banana sandwich on wholemeal bread after arriving home. And of course, any meals that my wife cooks for me as she keeps telling me “This is what is keeping you alive”.