Together we will get through this

Posted on Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Following the announcement from the Federal Government to shut down all non-essential services, C-Life is currently closed for an indefinite period.

It is a particularly devastating time for the C-Life community, but protecting the health of our staff and members is our priority.

Your Direct Debit membership has been automatically placed on hold and all upfront memberships will be credited the closure period. There is no action required from you.

Once C-Life reopens, all memberships will be deemed active. Direct Debit memberships will not be debited until at least two weeks after reopening.

We will continue to update you on developments as well as workouts you can complete at home and nutritional tips. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page here.

Thank you to all our members and staff for your ongoing support, we look forward to reopening and continuing to support you with your health and fitness goals.

Stay safe, stay motivated and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Arthur Siambis
General Manager C-Life Health Club

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